Wednesday, July 31, 2013

5 Months and Helmet update

5 Month Update

I CANNOT believe that Grayson will be 5 months old tomorrow!!  Geez, time is flying by!  This month has been the month of accomplishments for Grayson.

  • Sit up supported and tri-pod position (he is attempting to sit without support, but is still wobbly)
  • Roll from stomach to back easily
  • Roll from back to stomach (only when nobody is watching, but almost every time I leave him on his play-mat I find him on his stomach! Little stinker!)
  • Eats cereal with a spoon (and makes a gigantic miss, but he is very cute while making it)
  • Starting to lift up to his knees while on his stomach (just can't get that dang heavy helmet up for very long)
  • Became Mr. Independent and wants to do everything by himself (put his pacifier in his mouth, grab the spoon, try to holds his bottle, even wipes his face with his bib/burp cloth)
  • Went swimming in a big-people pool for the first time

Big boy sitting in tri-pod position by himself!!

  • Naps (this boy may sleep through the night, but he fights his naps with all his might)
  • Having his nose wiped/suctions
  • Being left alone for more than 5 minutes (like on his play-mat or in his crib while I do laundry; don't worry I don't just leave my baby at home by himself while I grab a bite to eat)
  • His momma (he is Such a momma's boy, and I am eating it up!!)
  • Bath-time (remains his favorite time of the day)
  • Water activities of any sort
  • Putting anything/everything into his mouth
  • Screaming (with joy, anger, or just to plain scream)
  • His exersaucer (this has been an absolute MUST in our house!!)
  • Eating (he is no long a momma's boy when it is time to eat and becomes a whoever-has-the-bottle boy)

 Look at how small that helmet looks!!

Grayson is such a happy baby, and I am SO blessed to have this boy.  Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for giving my the BEST family in the world!!  I can't imagine my life with out my wonderful husband and my perfect son! 

Helmet Update

Grayson got his second helmet last week.  Poor thing's first helmet was so tight, and he was such a trooper.  We did get to where we could take off his first one to let him sleep at night (because of how tight it was).  I really really really enjoyed all the cuddles I got that last week!!

Michael took him for his helmet scan last Monday, so I missed out on that ordeal.  I'm sure it was similar to the first time with the big white sock/hat and the fancy scanner stick that scans his head.  We practically have to hold him upside down so she can scan his head.  We just try to be quick and efficient to get it over with.  Michael said that he did good. 

I took him Friday to pick up his new helmet.  I let him be helmet free at day-care that morning to give him a little break.  He was so good on the trip down to New Orleans and back.  His new helmet seems so big!  Debbie (the most awesome orthotist [helmet lady] every) cut this helmet to be a little lower on his forehead and smaller around the ears.  She is hoping that this helmet lasts longer.  The new helmet doesn't seem to bother him at all!  It did make a little redness around his neck for the first couple of days, but I think this was only because he wasn't used to his helmet being so low, so that skin was a little more sensitive. 

I did decorate the helmet to look like a Mississippi State University football helmet.  Michael is an alumni of MSU, along with the majority of his family.  I saw pictures of some other "helmet babies" with their helmets decorated like football helmets, and I fell in love.  I think it is one of his cutest helmets!

I also need to tell a quick story about how awesome MSU is!  I began the search for a football jersey for Grayson a couple months ago.  I knew I was going to decorate his next helmet like a football helmet.  I wanted to find him a football jersey, so I could dress him up as a football player.  I looked high and low and could not find anything smaller than 12 months.  So, I decided to e-mail MSU and ask if they knew of a place to order one from (it couldn't hurt to ask).  I also told them a little about Grayson and why I was looking for the jersey.  I got an e-mail like 5 minutes later saying they weren't sure but would try to find out.  The next week I got an e-mail saying they found a 6 month jersey and wanted my address to mail it to us!!  They had ordered and paid for it just to be nice!  In all of their e-mails, they have said that they are praying for Grayson.  They want me to send them a picture of Grayson in the helmet and jersey (I secretly [or not so secretly] hope they put it on their website or newsletter or something, hehe).  I was just in awe of how nice this school was!!  I was an Ole Miss fan before I married into an MSU family.  Now, I have definitely converted!  (Don't worry all my rebels black bears, I still like Ole Miss.  But, I have to pull for MSU now)  Hail State!

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