Monday, July 29, 2013


So, I took a little hiatus from the whole dieting/exercising thing. Not because I was being lazy, either!

You see, Michael is about to start his fourth year of medical school. This is when he does his "audition rotations." So, he picks his own places to have his clinicals. He is going to spend 2 months in Largo, FL, 1 month in Tulsa, and 1 month in Jackson. So, that means 4 months in a row with just me and Grayson. He leaves Tuesday. So, I took full advantage of my last few days with Michael.

We went to a fancy restaurant and to the movies for our anniversary. We stayed at home and played with Grayson and watched some Netflix. Michael had to work all weekend, so I got some practice of being alone with Grayson.

This isn't an excuse for why I didn't work out. It is simply an explanation. I didn't work out because I had other things in my life that were more important at the time. As much as I WANT to be skinny and fit, I am not going to let it rule my life. However, I plan to get back to the grind on Wednesday (and finally see how much of a bump in the road my hiatus caused).

I'm pretty nervous about being alone (with Grayson) for 4 months. I mean, Grayson has only been around for 5 months, so that will be almost half of his life (at the time). A lot happens in these 4 months. He starts eating baby food, sitting-up, crawling, standing, walking, talking, etc (he is a baby genious and is going to be WAY ahead, by the way, lol). What if I teach him wrong and he becomes a "toe walker" (you all know what I am talking about). Thank goodness he has a helmet in case I drop him on his head/the dog knocks him off the couch he hits his head learning to crawl. So many things could go wrong!! And not to mention, poor Michael is going to miss so much! As scared as I am to be by myself, I think Michael has it worse! I can't imagine leaving my family for 4 months.

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