Monday, September 24, 2012

Can I Ask You a Favor?

I am not going to write a post tonight about my Celiac disease.  I have a friend in much greater need than me.

I have this friend (no sarcastic comments from the audience, please) who is one of the most fun loving, hilarious, energetic people you have ever met (if you have never met her, then I feel sorry for you).  We met in 9th grade and became instant friends (at least that's how I remember it).  Her crazy, fun personality really helped me to become more social and confident in who I was.  She never seemed embarrassed to just be herself.  She would always tell it like it was (even if I didn't like it), and she was usually always right.  Due to circumstances (like living a whole state away) we have grown apart.  I still love her dearly and wish she lived closer! 

I am asking my devoted readers (all 2 of you, if you are still reading) to please pray for my friend (take a moment to send her some positive thoughts, or whatever your belief may be).  She has been going through a very hard time lately.  She was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  After having her ovary removed, she went through several treatments of chemotherapy.  She stayed strong through all of the sucky side effects and finished her chemo.  Now, after everything she has been through, the cancer is back (on her intestines).  It is resistant to chemo and she is trying another drug to shrink the tumors.  Somehow, after all of this, she has remained the positive girl that I remember.  I am so proud of her! 

I didn't ask her permission to write this, so that is why I didn't say her name.  I guess that is the HIPPA that has been etched into my brain.  Hopefully she won't mind that I posted this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm crying now because your post is so sweet! I love you so much and I'm sorry that I didn't do a better job of staying in touch over the years. I can tell that you've become such a strong and confident person and I really hope I get to see you sometime in the future. Your post means more to me than I even know how to put in to words. Thank you :-)
