Sunday, January 27, 2013

34 Weeks! (6 to go!)

I can't believe Grayson is already 34 weeks old!!  It is really starting to get real!  I am now going to the doctor every 1 week (you would think that would make the pregnancy fly by, but it seems to be slowing down).  I'm so ready to meet this little boy!

I think I have gained 27 lbs so far (I need to write down my weights because I just forget them).  No stretch marks and belly button is still flat (I don't know if inny is the right word to describe it, but it isn't an outy yet).  I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions (some days more than others) and now my feet are starting to swell by the end of the day.  My blood pressure continues to be fabulous though (107/62 last time).

We talked about our "birth plan" with our doctor at the last visit.  Basically, we know that I want the good drugs, want just Michael and I in the room for the actual delivery, and hope to go into labor naturally.  Our doctor is open to talks of inducing once I hit the 39 weeks mark.  Michael kind of wants us to schedule it, so he can make sure he isn't almost 2 hours away when I go into labor.  But, I really want to go into labor naturally!  I just want that experience of counting the minutes between contractions and the chaos of packing our bags (b/c I'm sure we will be doing that at the last minute), shaving my legs, and begging Michael to paint my toenails.  There is also much great risk of c-section if you induce labor.

I am definitely starting the nesting phase and absolutely loving it!!  I have been so productive these days!!  We have finished decorating the nursery (pictures to come), washed all baby clothes/blankets, filed taxes, kept the dirty clothes hamper fairly empty, eaten home cooked meals almost every night, and kept the house fairly clean.  I have these bursts of energy where I just want to get up and do stuff (sometimes they are quickly followed by a burst of fatigue).

Today we had our maternity pictures taken by Jennifer Owens.  I cannot wait to see them!!  She showed us some on her camera as she took them and they looked fabulous!  She is going to do our newborn/6month/1year pictures as well!  She has been a joy to work with so far.  Check out her website and let her know I sent you there if you use her for anything!

Ok, enough of the talking, here are pictures:

34 Weeks!  I don't know how much more that stomach can stretch!
Bedding finally came in! Looks so good with the name!
I am in LOVE with the alphabet wall!! We are going to fill the little glass jar with pacifiers!

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