Thursday, October 25, 2012

21 Weeks and Dr. Visit!

First, let me just say, I know this gluten-free blog is turning into my personal pregnancy blog.  But, right now this kid is the most important thing happening to me.  I didn't realize just how important everything about this pregnancy would seem.  I just want to remember everything!  So, just bare with me.  I promise to post some informative Celiac post soon.

So, I am one of those people that has looked forward to every doctor visit this pregnancy.  I just love knowing that 4 weeks have gone by, and I get to hear sweet baby's heart beat.  It's the only time I get to check on my little patient, so I am certainly not going to miss it!  Michael isn't a big fan of the doctor's visits.  He has made it to every visit except one.  He thinks it is a big waste of time because all the doctor actually does is ask if everything is going ok, listen to the heart beat, and measure the uterus.  This appointment, however, was the MOST important so far!!  This was the big, second trimester, ultrasound appointment.  Everybody thinks of this as the gender ultrasound.  Well, yes, that is true.  But, it looks for so much more!  This ultrasound measures the baby, makes sure there are 2 kidneys, 1 heart with 4 chambers, 2 hands and 2 feet, and estimates the current weight on the baby.  This is a big deal people!

So, the ultrasound was scheduled before the doctor's visit.  We found out that our perfect little baby has everything he/she should have, weighs 13oz (a little more than 3/4 a pound), and is the cutest baby in the world!!  We got to hear baby's perfect heart beat (which was beating 151bpm).  And, she gave us a Very Special envelope that contains the gender of baby!  We also found out that I have an anterior placenta.  What does that mean?  Nothing really.  Basically, the egg implanted on the front of my uterus (towards my stomach), instead of the back (the normal place).  So, there is more cushion between my baby and my abdominal wall, and this explains why it took me a little longer to feel my baby's kicks.  It actually made me feel a little better.  Now I know that I'm not just a bad momma that didn't know when my baby was kicking!

After the ultrasound, I did the dreaded weigh in, BP check, and peed in a cup.  Somehow I managed to only gain 2 pounds (totaling +7 pounds so far), 115/62 BP, and urine was fine. 

Next, we saw the doctor.  He told me everything looked good on the ultrasound, measured my uterus (which was the perfect size, btw), and gave us the maternal screening results.  The maternal screening was a blood test that checked the baby for all sorts of things like Down syndrome, Cystic fibrosis, and Neural tube defects.  He said that everything came back negative (wahoo!!).  I'm so proud of our little one!

Now, for the most important thing.... Pictures!!

Week 6 Ultrasound!  My cute little butter bean!

Week 21 Ultrasound!! See how much baby has grown?!!

1 comment:

  1. Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....... is it a boy or a girl????? When will you announce?? Is it a surprise?? Love the post. :)
