Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 20! Halfway there!!

I can't believe how FAST this pregnancy is flying by!! Where in the world did these 20 weeks go??!!  I can't wait to find out if this baby is a little girl or a little boy, so we can finally start buying things!

I am still loving being pregnant (so far)!  Of course, some days are better than others.  But, I have more good days than bad.  I finally started feeling some movement in there about a week ago.  I'm almost 90% sure it is the baby I feel, but it doesn't feel a thing like anybody has told me.  I have been told it will feel like butterflies, or flutters, or little fish.  Well, he/she must be a chunker because it feels more like a snake moving around.  Thankfully, I talked to another pregnant friend who described it as an anaconda moving, so that made me feel better.  I can't wait until Michael gets to feel the baby move!  I don't think it will be much longer, because sometimes when I feel a lot of pressure in one area we can feel a big knot there.  That kid must be turning flips.

This weekend I hope to go garage sale shopping/antique mall shopping with Michael for some unique pieces for the nursery.  We both want to find one key piece that we can make special.  I know how busy we both are though, so hopefully we will find the time.

This baby is growing everyday!!  I feel like everyday my clothes are getting tighter and tighter.  I am really not looking forward to finding out how much weight I have gained at my next doctor's appointment. 

I may have had a mini pregnant breakdown while taking this latest picture.  I don't know how my poor husband puts up with me.  I guess this is one of my not-so-good days.  As much as I really do love being pregnant, I am not one of those pregnant women that feel prettier while pregnant.  I did not get the smooth, glowing skin and shiny, thick hair that the magazines and tv shows promise.  Instead, my skin seems to be more red and dry and my hair has reached this length and refuses to grow any further.  I can deal with all of this as long as there is not a camera in front of me.  But, I promised my best friend that I will take pictures often for her (and, I went through all the trouble of writing on my chalk board).  So, I will go on.

1 comment:

  1. look at that belly!!! you look great. im glad you are taking preggers pics & you will be glad you did too! :)
