Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weigh-in and Gluten Free Recipe

So, I am very disappointed in myself for the past couple of weeks.  I only went to the gym 2-3 days each week, and I definitely did not stick to my diet!  I did not go back to my old habits of Starbucks in the morning and Reese's for my snack everyday.  But, I did eat cereal a few times for dinner.  Then, my mom really messed me up by buying me 4 DELICIOUS gluten-free cupcakes!!  I mean, they were like $15, so it would have been rude not to eat them!  I did share 2 of them and accidentally let the last one get stale and only ate half of it.  It could have been worse! 

Somehow, despite my cereal and cupcakes and baked potatoes (did I mention McAllister's deli? oops), I still managed to not gain any weight.  My weigh-in on Monday was 166.8 lbs (down 3.2 lbs from my start).  I'm not happy about it, but that is more motivation to do better this week!!

So far this week, I have done really good!!  I started the C25K, so I can try to run a mud-run with my bestie in October!  I went to the gym Monday and Tuesday.  I have also eaten pretty good so far.  Sunday night I made a FABULOUS Turkey Ragu over baked Butternut Squash (see recipe further down).  Monday night we had baked chicken and salads.  I am eating these gluten free healthy frozen meals for lunch (similar to lean cuisines) because I have been too lazy to make my tuna.  I miss my tuna though and plan to start that back up!  Tonight I am going to make some quinoa and chickpeas that I'm pretty excited about!!

Turkey Ragu over Butternut Squash

--1 lb ground turkey meat
--1 yellow onion
--3 green onions
--1 package of baby bella mushrooms
--1 tsp minced garlic
--1 can diced tomatoes
--1/2 tsp cumin
--1/2 tsp paprika
--1 butternut squash
--dash olive oil

--Peel and dice butternut squash and toss in a bit of olive oil.  Cook in oven at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes or until squash is soft.
--While squash is cooking, brown ground turkey in a big skillet.  Add diced onion, cut green onions, mushrooms, garlic, and spices and cook on medium heat (measurments are just an estimate, I really just add a little then taste then add some more).  Once onions and mushrooms are a little softer I add the tomatoes (next time I plan to add a small can of tomato paste) and turn down to medium-low heat.  Cover and let cook until squash is finished.
--Serve the Ragu on top of the squash.  Enjoy!!  This is pretty healthy and YUMMY!!  If you have never had butternut squash, it taste like a mix of pumpkin and sweet potato to me.

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures :(. 

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