Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I have a confession to make...

I have been bad.  Very bad

Anybody who is friends with me on Facebook or has read my blog knows that I gave birth to my little miracle on March 1, 2013.  As much as I am absolutely in love with this precious boy, my life has not gotten easier since then.  He had surgery on May 6, 2013, and now he has a helmet to wear for a year.  And, on top of all that, I believe he is currently teething.  So, needless to say, I have been stressed lately.

What do I do to handle my stress?  I eat.  I eat a lot.  So, for the past few weeks I have been going to Starbucks on the way to work and drinking a very delicious, sugar filled, coffee drink almost every day.  I have been eating sodium filled, gluten-free, frozen meals for lunches.  I have had a candy bar for a snack almost everyday.  And, I usually ate a huge bowl of cereal for dinner.  Not only have I eaten tons of unhealthy food.  But, I have also willingly had some gluten-laden items.  It can be hard to turn down free, delicious food (my gut has been VERY upset with me about this)! This is all on top of a very sedentary lifestyle.

This is bad y'all.

So, I have decided to change!!!

Step 1:

I joined a very good gym about 3 weeks ago.  So far, I have been going everyday that I get off work and don't have other errands to run.  I plan to go at least 4 times a week.  After 2 weeks of the gym my weight had not changed (actually, I lost 1 pound and then gained it back).  I was weighing in at a steady 170lbs.  I was 151 lbs before baby. 

I was still having too many of these!!

So, on to step 2...

Step 2:

I am making a complete lifestyle change in my eating habits!!!  Today is actually my 3rd day.  I am cutting out all sweets and eating a diet full of lean protein and fresh veges and fruit!  And obviously, NO MORE GLUTEN!  The types of healthy meals I have been eating so far: plain oatmeal with fresh blueberries or strawberries, tuna salad (with pickles, mustard, and avocado instead of mayo), fresh fruit mixed in low-fat Greek yogurt, salads (spinach, lean turkey, grapes, blue cheese, pistachios, tomatoes, dressing). 

I know my diet isn't perfect, but it is SO much better than it has been!  Since eating healthy, I have already lost 2 lbs!! I really want to keep this up and feel better about myself!  I would really love for my friends to help encourage me to continue on this path! Also, any ideas on variety of healthy meals would be appreciated.

My Stats:

Weight: Started at 170 lbs.  Currently 168 lbs.

Height: 5'9"

Pant size: Started at a size 12 pants.  Currently can wear some size 10 and some size 12.

Shirt size: Started and currently at a size M shirt.

My Goal:

Weight: 150 lbs

Pant size: 6

Shirt size: S or M (I think shoulder width really dictates shirt size a lot of the time)

A happy, healthier me!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok girly!! lets keep each other accountable!! I think I need to put my stats on my blog...as much as I really really really really (did I mention really?) don't want to!!!
