Monday, November 19, 2012

24 Weeks!!

I know, I know... I am a little behind.  I haven't had much time to post between school and traveling every weekend.

Last Friday I had my 24 week check-up.  This is one of the boring check-ups where all you do is pee in a cup, get weighed, get your blood pressure taken, tell the doctor you feel fine, and listen to baby's heartbeat.  I build them up in my mind to be so important, and then I am always a little disappointed when I leave.  I did get my consents for an epidural and circumcision though.  Michael was joking with me saying I can't have the epidural.  I told him that if I didn't sign the consent, then even if I begged for it they wouldn't give it to me.  So, he said that I better sign it because he knows I can't handle it.  Well, that was just a challenge in my mind.  So, I am going to sign it (because I do tend to be a big baby), but I will try my hardest to not get it (we will see how long that lasts).

Anyway, I was a little sad to weight a whopping 165lbs.  I have gained a total of 14 pounds by 24 weeks. I had decided that this was too embarrassing to post on my blog, but then I decided that Most women do not gain the recommended 25 pounds during pregnancy.  So, why be ashamed?  According to babycenter, I am still within my recommended weight for height, but I am quickly getting on the high side of normal.  Oh well... What can I say? I like my sweets.  My doctor was actually happy about my weight gain.  He seemed to be scared that I might not gain enough and get all of my nutrients due to my Celiac disease.  Don't worry doc, I am eating plenty!!

My blood pressure was great, and baby's heart rate was in the 140's.  Everything is going great so far!

Week 24 Picture!! (Really 24 and 4 days...oops)

Bare belly!! Daaang!!

Come on belly button, you can hang in there!

So far, my belly button is still an inny (hanging on by a thread), and I haven't gotten any stretch marks yet (I thought I found one the other day and had a little break down, but it turned out to be just a line from my clothes... My bad).

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