Friday, June 21, 2013

3 Months Old

I know it has been a while.  It is hard for me to get used to this whole mom and work routine!  I feel like I am constantly on the go and always behind!  I'm starting to get a good schedule though:

5:00 AM: Wake-up, shower, get pretty for work (try my best anway)
6:00 AM: Wake-up and feed baby
7:00 AM: Take baby to daycare and go to work
7:30-4:30ish: Work
4:30 PM: Gym (I skip this step way too often)
5:30 PM: Pick up baby
6:00 PM: Feed baby
7:00 PM: Chore time while baby naps (wash bottles, laundry, feed dogs, maybe get in a little TV time)
8:30 PM: Wake baby up for bath-time and bottle
9:30 PM: Get baby to sleep then go to bed

Of course, many times Grayson has his own ideas about the schedule... But, he has done very good the past few days!! I'm also so lucky to have Michael.  If Grayson does wake up to eat in the middle of the night, Michael almost always feeds him.  And, Michael helps me if Grayson is having a bad day.  I honestly don't know how Michael does it.  This is what his schedule looks like (to me):

6:45 AM: Wake up and get ready for clinical
7:45-5:00 (or later): Clinical
The rest of the time: STUDY STUDY STUDY (and help me with baby)
Midnight (or later): Sleep

Grayson is 3 MONTHS OLD (well, was 3 months old on June 1st)

He Loves:
--Standing up (with support)
--Being tickled by my hair
--Pulling out my hair
--Laughing and smiling
--Tummy time matt (but on his back)
--Wubba Nubb (we are screwed if we lose this)
--Being naked
--Bath time

He Hates:
--Laying on his tummy
--Getting dressed
--Having his helmet messed with
--Booger sucker-outers

He really is SUCH a good baby!! He has been a little fussy this past week, but I think it is because he is out-growing his helmet.  It has been so much harder to get on and off, and it does not come nearly as far down on his head.  He is even having more growth where his helmet ends because there is not enough room in his helmet.  We are seeing the helmet lady today!  So, hopefully she will scan him for a new one! 

Speaking of the helmet, it really is not nearly as big of a deal as I thought it would be.  Most of the time, he doesn't even seem to know he is there.  He is the favorite baby at daycare because of his cute helmet.  I have even heard older kids point out his "cool hat."  I have had a few children ask me what it was for, and that did not bother me in the least.  In fact, I would much rather somebody as me about the helmet then blatantly stare at it. 

I'm getting so accoustomed to the helmet that Grayson looks strange with it off.  I just think it fits his little personality perfectly. I might even miss it a little after the year is finished. Weird?  I know...

Sleeping Through the Night!!

I have had a couple of people ask me about how we got Grayson to sleep through the night.  I thought not sleeping through the night until 3 months was a long time, but apparently that was good?  Basically, our secret is ROUTINE!!  We have a very routine schedule for him at home.  Daycare kind of lets him dictate his own schedule (which I'm not a fan of), but he sticks to our feeding/sleeping schedule at home.  We feed him at 6 everyday (no matter when his last bottle was at daycare).  Then, I bathe him at 8:30 everynight and let him play in the tub for about 30 minutes.  Then, I feed him at 9:00 and do his bedtime routine.  His routine consists of reading him a book (Goodnight Moon), singing him a song a couple of times (Jesus Loves Me), and rocking him for about 10-15 minutes.  Usually I can put him down even if he is a little awake and he will fall asleep.  Some days, however, I do have to rock him completely to sleep.  The first couple of night trying this he would wake up around 3 and we would have to rock him back to sleep.  Since this routine he has gone through a growth spurt and still needed a middle of the night feeding for a few days.